# Chapter 1 - Management 101
- Your first management experience is being managed
- Benign neglect is better than actively bad or micro management
# Minimum Responsibilities of a Competent Manager
- One-on-One Meetings
- create human connection that provides a baseline to identify when things are bugging you, or outside concerns are impacting your life, changes in energy & attitude
- provide a regular opportunity to speak privately about whatever needs discussing, outside of status updates (beyond critical/strategic projects)
- Feedback and Workplace Guidance
- behaviour feedback on an ongoing basis
- ideally: public if praise; private if criticism
- feedback immediately after the act trumps waiting for the appropriate forum
- review prior to presentations, feedback on drafts of written documents
- Ally for your role and career plan
- Identify and assign stretch projects
- Show value of work that might not be fun or glamorous - bigger picture
- Training and Career Growth
- liaison between team member and company bureaucracy
- finds & possibly provides mentorship and training
- Understanding promotion and compensation
# How to Be Managed
- Think about what you want
- areas of interest
- what is your 2-5 year plan RIGHT NOW?
- You are responsible for yourself
- bring agenda items to your 1:1
- ask for roles, tasks; advocate for your interests; seek out feedback (and separate receiving feedback from accepting it!)
- Understand that managers will make mistakes and help when you can
- develop a strong interpersonal relationship over time
- Choose Your Manager Wisely
- consider who your manager will be as part of career moves
- differentiate between strong engineers who make good early-career mentor-managers and later stage advocate-managers. What do you need?
# Chapter 2 - Mentoring
- The first act of people management is likely informal (then explicit) mentoring
- mentoring allows someone to explore managing in a relatively low-risk environment
- when mentoring temporary workers (like interns) it's more important that they love you and the company than you love them, as their experience will be widely shared
- term-based project provides a measureable goal and anchoring vision for their experience
- cycle of listening, communicating expected actions and adjusting based on responses
- careful listening is a requirement to developing empathy, itself a core management skill
- unspoken communication dwarfs spoken; listening is a full spectrum activity
- new hire mentoring is a critical part of onboarding
- allows you to view the company through a fresh perspective
- jump-start connection with various human networks
- mentors you be explicit in their expectations of their mentees
- mentors have an opportunity to be more candid than official managers but still need to be professional
- mentees should give some thought as to what they want from their mentor relationship
- when managing a mentor define what you wish to achieve by creating these relationships
- recognize the additional responsibility assigned to the mentor and accommodate accordingly
- mentorship can be used to train and reward future managers on the team
# Chapter 3 - Tech Lead
- Tech Lead is a set of responsibilities that any senior developer can take on vs. a point on the career ladder
- may or may not include direct people management
- technical mentorship and guidance
- strong technical project manager
- delegation without micromanagement
- team-level productivity
- influencing without authority
- balance personal technical commitments with whole team needs
# Maker's vs. Manager's Schedule
- Potential Roles:
- systems architect
- business analyst
- project planner
- software developer & team leader
- take time to explain in a clear, non-threatening, non-condescending way
- comparing technical and management tracks
- envisioned ideal life of a Senior IC:
- deep thinking, hard technical problems
- autonomy in projects
- code-centric
- technical authority
- respected
- reality:
- slower promotion
- less greenfield projects than anticipated
- new developers are too needy or too cocky
- manager is not supportive of all your ideas and viewpoints
- lots of meetings
- support of legacy projects and day-to-day process
# Process oriented management
- belief that on true process exists that will solve all problems
- zealot for how more common activities in SW Dev should be run
- often found in QA, helpdesk and PM groups
- detail oriented but inflexible
- Agile-implementers vs. Agile-oriented
# Chapter 4 - Managing People
# Building Trust & Report
- Do people on the team prefer public or private praise?
- What are their work motivators?
- What are their work demotivators?
- What are disliked manager behaviours?
- Are you providing clear career goals and allowing investigation of unclear areas of interest?
TIP: Have new hires contribute to onboarding documentation
- Communicate your expectations
- Get Feedback from Your New Hire
# Delegating Effectively
- Use the team’s goals to understand which details you should explore
- Gather information from the systems before involving team members
- Adjust your focus depending on the stage of the project
- Establish standards (ed: consistent expectations?) for code and systems
- Open sharing of information, both good and bad, should be presented in a neutral to positive way
# Chapter 5 - Managing a Team
# Basic Attributes of Dysfunctional Teams
- Not Shipping
- People Drama
- Unhappiness Due to Overwork
- Collaboration Problems
Team cohesion destroyers to identify and address:
- The Brilliant Jerk
- The Noncommunicator
- The Employee Who Lacks Respect
# Chapter 6 - Managing Multiple Teams
# Decisions and Delegation
Quadrant of Tasks:
- Delegate simple and frequent tasks
- Handle simple and infrequent tasks yourself
- Use complex and infrequent tasks as training opportunities for leaders in training
- Delegate complex and frequent tasks to develop the team
# Challenging Situations: Strategies for Saying No
- “Yes, and”
- Create a consistent policy for the justification
- “Help Me Say Yes”
- Appeal to budget
- Work as a team
- Don’t prevaricate
# Measuring the Health of Your Development Team
- Frequency of Releases
- Frequency of Code Check-ins
- Frequency of Incidents
# Chapter 7 - Managing Managers
- Skip-Level Meetings
- Manager Accountability
# Dysfunctional Organizations
- Have a Hypothesis
- Check the Data
- Observe the Team
- Ask Questions
- Check the Team Dynamics
- Jump In to Help
- Be Curious
# Chapter 8 - The Big Leagues
The role differences between a VP of Engineering and the CTO?
Two key areas of focus:
- Changing Priorities
- Setting the Strategy
- Do a Lot of Research
- Combine Your Research and Your Ideas
- Draft a Strategy
- Consider Your Board’s Communication Style