# The Elevator Pitch

When you're a developer there's a strong linkage between the work you complete and results. If you write code for a new feature, you get to see it take shape on your screen. When your team reaches a milestone, you see where you contributed and can often quantify your contributions. These accomplishments can (and should) be used in performance reviews as supporting evidence for promotions, pay raises and advancement.

But what happens after you move into management? Your day-to-day is no longer filled with relatively concrete tasks and goals. Your role is not to do the work yourself but guide and support a team doing the actual execution. How do you measure that?

# My Story

I've moved between business and technology roles throughout my career, often with the uncomfortable feeling of belonging in neither. Over a decade-plus of software consulting I learned a very important lesson:

# There is a shortage of people at the intersections who focus on communication and collaboration

This hypothesis formed the core principle of my value proposition and helped differentiate a solo consultant in a global sea of high-powered agencies.

I also started to realize that the rules of technical management are a lot like a good video game: easy to understand but hard to master. Fortunately the simple act of genuinely caring about your people can get you about 80% of the way there.

Welcome to technical leadership. Moving from development to management is a challenging journey, but an immensely reward one. Let's learn and explore together.

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